Making Comfort Foods Healthier

By: Jacqueline Gomes, MBA, RDN  

Comfort foods…we all have them and we all love them! They can make us feel emotionally satisfied, remember a special occasion or serve as a reward or temporary calming. What are your favorite comfort foods? Some popular choices include macaroni and cheese, chocolate and lasagna for instance.


Is there a way to turn your comfort food into a deliciously healthy meal or snack? With just a few modifications there may be!

  • Instead of Sour Cream, Choose low fat Greek Yogurt instead.
  • Add in more veggies like carrots, tomatoes or mushrooms to a lasagna or casserole
  • Mix in pureed cauliflower to mashed potatoes or Macaroni & cheese
  • Choose dark chocolate over semi-sweet chocolate for a boost of antioxidant flavonoids.
  • And who doesn’t love creamy or crunchy nut butter! Natural nut butters like Justin’s Almond Butter adds a boost of healthy fats to meals and sweet treats.

Let’s whip up a sweet & savory comforting snack you and the kids will love. With only 3 ingredients it’s a cinch to make just before watching your favorite show!


Crunchy Banana Roll

a crunchy banana roll recipe on a plate with chopsticks

Prep: 5 minutes

Makes: 10 slices



  • 1 banana
  • 2 tablespoons Justin’s Nut Butter of choice
  • 1/2 cup cereal of choice, crushed



  1. Peel banana. Spread nut butter over the banana (skewering the banana with a toothpick makes it easier to hold and less messy).
  2. Place the crushed cereal in a shallow dish and roll banana in cereal to coat. Slice banana into 10 pieces and arrange on a plate and enjoy!

Recipe: Justin’s®